Service Assistant AI is a Technical Support Center for Service Teams. Service Assistant is a fully autonomous AI Agent that replaces the traditional contact form. Solves 98% of customer questions automatically, easily integrates to customer's website and support tools
Service Assistant AI is a Technical Support Center for Service Teams. Service Assistant is a fully autonomous AI Agent that replaces the traditional contact form. Solves 98% of customer questions automatically, easily integrates to customer's website and support tools
UI Design • Wireframes • Admin Panel Design • Branding• Figma • Design System • Animations

Solutions for technical questions
Service Assistant AI presents answers in a clean step-by-step way providing images and videos related to user's issues and directs user to external sources for further information.

PDF Manuals as a source
If a customer needs further information about their issue, Service Assistant AI can direct to a specific pages in the producers manual where the answer is located.

Service Assistant can be integrated into clients page as an AI bar, Chatbot widget and Stand-alone assistant.


AI Bar

Admin Panel allows clients to quickly and easily set up and configure their own Service Assistant AI instances and track their performance.